HAVE YOUR SAY | Investment in Sport and Recreation in Auckland Council's Long-Term Plan


Help us to continue making cricket a Game for All, a Game for Life in Tamaki Makaurau.

Make your submission to support further investment into sport and recreation in the Council’s Long Term Plan. Submissions are open until 28 March. Make your submission here: www.akhaveyoursay.nz/ourplan


Auckland Cricket’s vision is a game for all, a game for life. That speaks to our desire to have people enthused, excited and engaged with cricket throughout their life. We recognise the importance of encouraging our tamariki and rangatahi to grow a love for our sport so that we can build a life-long connection to the game.

That connection undoubtedly has a benefit to our sport but has much broader advantages for our city in creating Aucklanders who believe in the benefits of physical activity, have a willingness to contribute and volunteer and believe in the sense of community that our clubs provide by being key connection points within their local environment.

Auckland Cricket seeks the following outcome from the 2024-2034 Long-term Plan.

  • Retaining current funding and increasing capital sport and recreation funding by $35m over three years via the Sport and Recreation Facilities Fund
  • Retaining and increasing the Sport and Recreation Operating Granto
  • Reviewing the costs and contractual structure for maintenance on parks and open spaces, specifically for sports fields, and ensuring quality services

Read this Aktive Toolkit to learn more about how you can have your say in the Future of Sport in Auckland.

Learn about Auckland Cricket's vision from CEO Iain Laxon: 


Article added: Thursday 14 March 2024


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